How to Use Diaper Genie in a Few Easy Steps



If you are a parent, you must know the struggle of handling diapers daily. Parenting is a world where changing diapers is inevitable. And while it doesn’t seem a glamorous task, it is pretty important.

Plus, you also know how stinky your baby’s diapers can become if they are improperly disposed of.

So, how to handle soiled diapers? Here comes Diaper Genie, the ultimate solution for keeping your home odor-free.

A Diaper Genie is a tool that keeps each diaper in an airtight container. In this way, it prevents the smell from spreading and bacteria from escaping.

On top of that, this machine will also lower the number of your rounds to dispose of a dirty diaper in the dustbin.

However, this disposing process is not that easy. Moreover, the filling is again a daunting task. But, fear not as I’m here to help you in this regard. Let’s dive in to find out.

What is the Diaper Genie?

If you are a new parent, you might be wondering what is Diaper Genie and why someone needs one.

Well, it’s a special trash can that seals each diaper in an odor-blocking plastic bag. All you have to do is push the diaper through the opening, twist the handle, and voila. The diaper is gone and so is the smell.

The Diaper Genie can hold up to 270 diapers (depending on the type of diaper) at a time, which means less hassle and more convenience for you.

diaper genie

Moreover, it comes in different colors and styles to match your nursery decor. Trust me, once you try the Diaper Genie, you’ll never want to go back to your regular trash cans again.

The Problem with Diaper Disposal

Let’s face it, diapers are a necessary evil. They keep your baby dry and comfortable, but they also create a lot of mess and smell. I know this as I have to face the same issue when my first baby was born last year.

Diapers are one of the most common causes of odor in your house. If you’re not cautious, they can draw insects, bacteria, and even mice. Furthermore, these are a significant environmental drag.

According to an American Academy of Pediatrics research, 16 billion throwaway diapers account for approximately 2.8 million tonnes of landfill trash worldwide each year.

That’s a lot of trash in the dumps. For this problem, a Diaper Genie provides a legitimate answer. The Diaper Genie, with its specialized seals and traps, locks in odors and keeps your house feeling fresh.

Diapers are being throwing into the trash

Overall, a diaper disposal system is a must-have for every parent who wants to make their life easier and greener.

How Does the Diaper Genie Work?

You might have grasped the idea of what Diaper Genie is, but how does it work? Before knowing this, let’s understand the technology behind this novel innovation.

The Diaper Genie is actually a smart system that seals each diaper in a thin layer of plastic, creating an odor-proof barrier.

When you drop a dirty diaper into the Genie, it falls into a plastic bag lined with a sealing mechanism. At its core, the Diaper Genie uses a system of seals and traps to lock in smells and prevent them from escaping.

When you shut the top lid, the sealing device then twists the bag, forming a knot and securing the nappy inside.

diaper genie is sealing and twisting the plastic bag

But that isn’t all. The Diaper Genie also includes a built-in carbon filter. It aids in the absorption of any residual smells. This will result in a fresh and clean house.

In short, the Diaper Genie is not Aladin’s genie. It is a brilliant innovation that makes diaper removal simple and sanitary.

How to Use Diaper Genie?

Coming to the main point, how to use a Diaper Genie. The process can be difficult but, it is pretty straightforward. I’ll completely guide you on how to fill and dispose of a Diaper Genie.

used diaper is on diaper genie

A Step-by-step Guide to Filling the Diaper Genie

Here is how you can fill your Diaper Genie:

  • To fill a Diaper Genie, press the foot pump or the top button to open its cover. You will notice a circular hole through which you can put the nappy.
  • Push the diaper into the hole until a sound is heard. This means that the diaper is wrapped and secured inside the Diaper Genie in a plastic container.
  • Close the cover and adjust the top handle to rotate the bag and create more space for diapers. The Diaper Genie has an indicator on the front that indicates how filled it is.

Repeat steps 1–3 until the Diaper Genie is filled or you run out of containers.

A Step-by-step Guide to Disposing of the Diaper Genie

A Diaper Genie is a handy method to keep and dispose of soiled diapers without any mess. However, you will need to clean it on a regular basis to prevent overflowing and bacteria development.

Here are the methods to get rid of the Diaper Genie:

  • Check the gauge on the front of the Diaper Genie to see if it is filled. If it’s red, it indicates you need to clear it shortly. If it is green, you still have some room.
  • Open the Diaper Genie’s front door and remove the diaper-containing container. Avoid touching the diapers or the bag entrance because they may be tainted with germs.
  • Use the built-in cutter on the inside of the entryway to cut the bag. Tie a knot at the bag’s opening to close it and prevent leaking or smelling.
  • Place the sack in a garbage can or dumpster outside. It should not be disposed of in your indoor garbage can because it may draw pests or create odor issues.
  • If necessary, replace the bag cartridge by withdrawing the old one and introducing a new one. Check that it snaps into position and lines up with the bag cutter.
  • Close the Diaper Genie’s front entrance and ensure it is firmly locked.

And there you have it. You’ve effectively disposed of your Diaper Genie while keeping your nursery spotless and sanitary.

Types of Diaper Genie

As a parent, deciding on the best Diaper Genie can be difficult, particularly with so many choices on the market.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you choose the best Diaper Genie for your needs:

Diaper Genie Essentials:

This is the entry-level model that enables you to quickly discard of dirty diapers. It has a compact form that allows it to squeeze into small spaces and can store up to 30 diapers.

Diaper Genie Complete:

An upgrade from the Essentials, this variant includes an odor-control device. It has a capacity of 270 diapers and is simple to use, making it perfect for busy parents.

Diaper Genie Expressions:

This variant is ideal for parents who want to coordinate their Diaper Genie to their nursery decor. It comes with fabric arms that you can customize to fit your taste.

Diaper Genie Elite:

Looking for ease and efficiency? Elite is intended for parents who value want hassle-free diaper deposition above all else. It has an easy-to-use foot pedal and a built-in carbon filtration that helps to eradicate odors.

Diaper Genie XL:

The largest Diaper Genie on the market, with a capacity of 7.9 gallons. It’s perfect for parents with multiple children or who want to use diapers less frequently.

Diaper Genie Mini:

This is a tiny model that is perfect for tight quarters or travel. It has a twist device for closing the bags and an odor-locking 7-layer refill system. It can contain up to 8-10 diapers and is compatible with special small refills.

Tips for Using the Diaper Genie

I paid a visit to my friend Sarah a few weeks back. She was a new mother with a two-week-old infant and a Diaper Genie to help with diapering.

During my stay, I discovered that she was not using it properly. So I advised her and also compiled a collection of suggestions to enhance your experience.

  • First, ensure that you have enough supplies. Each Diaper Genie has a variable capacity of diapers. Hence, you cannot afford to run out of containers when you really need them. You can purchase them either online or at your neighborhood shop.
  • Next, practice using the foot pump. The foot pedal is essential for opening and shutting the Diaper Genie without having to contact it. Simply walk on it and place the nappy inside. Then let go and observe the nappy seal and be stowed away.
  • Unload the Diaper Genie on a frequent basis. Despite the fact that the Diaper Genie has a smell-control mechanism built in, you should still empty it a minimum of once per week.
  • Sanitize the Diaper Genie regularly. The device can be cleaned with a damp towel and mild detergent. You can also sanitize it with a disinfectant mist or swabs. Just make sure it’s completely dry before using it again.
  • Finally, have fun with your Diaper Genie. It is an excellent method to keep the baby’s room tidy and fresh. Furthermore, it saves you time and effort from having to take out the garbage every day.


The TL;DR is that, in my journey as a parent, the Diaper Genie has been a savior. Its ingenious design makes it simple to dispose of dirty diapers.

There are plenty of models in the market. Depending on your preferences, you can go for any one.

Overall, I would strongly suggest this product to any new parent looking for an easy and sanitary way to discard diapers.


What Makes the Diaper Genie Different From Other Diaper Pails?

The Diaper Genie is distinguished from other diaper containers by its integrated antiseptic and a double-lock system that closes and holds diapers in a multi-layer bag. Additionally, it also has a foot pump that helps independent opening and shutting. The carbon filtration allows odor absorption and can store up to 270 diapers.

What are the Advantages of Using a Diaper Genie Over a Regular Trash Can?

The following are some benefits of using a Diaper Genie over a normal trash can:

  • It includes a specialized container for sealing and storing diapers in a multi-layer fabric.
  • It features a foot button for hands-free opening and shutting.
  • It contains a charcoal filter or an antimicrobial that aids in the absorption or inhibition of odors.

How Often do you Need to Change the Diaper Genie Bag and How Do You Do It?

When the Diaper Genie bag is filled, it must be replaced. To replace it, open the top, cut the bag with the built-in cutter, make a knot at the end of the bag, and discard it.

How Can you Clean and Maintain Your Diaper Genie to Keep it Working Well?

To clean and keep your Diaper Genie, wash it with soap and baking powder on a daily basis. spray it with a combination of water, borax, vinegar, and tea tree oil to eliminate mold.

To reduce odors, you should also flush feces before discarding diapers and use scented garbage bags or canine excrement bags.

Do Diaper Genies Need Batteries?

No, Diaper Genies do not need batteries. They operate manually by pushing a pedal with your foot to open and close the container

How Long Will Diaper Genie Refill Last?

The duration of a Diaper Genie refill depends on the size and number of diapers you dispose of. A refill can hold up to 270 diapers and last up to a month.

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